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Ventnor Woman Charged With Firearm Offence
A woman in her 30s has been charged with a firearm offence today (Thursday) following a triple-arrest earlier this week.
"A clear Potential That Harm Has Been Caused" - Major Housing Development "Invalidated"
Consent for a major Isle of Wight housing development has been struck off following “unauthorised work” and “a clear potential that harm has been caused”.
Former Public Toilets Conversion Scheme Withdrawn After Wroxall Parish Council Backlash
A developer has withdrawn a scheme to convert a former public toilets block in the middle of an Isle of Wight village following a backlash from a parish council.
Former Trade Union Leader Appointed By Island's MPs To Look At Ferries
Former General Secretary of the GMB Union, Sir Paul Kenny, who lives in Bembridge, has been tasked by the Island’s two MPs to look at issues with Isle of Wight ferries.