A 2,000-mile sailing adventure has raised £5,000 for South Wight Area Youth Partnership (SWAY).
Susannah Seely and Didi Nicholson both live in South Wight and set off from Yarmouth in April on their anticipated three-month sail.
They look likely to get home well ahead of schedule, as their 26ft Contessa, Seahorse, nears the finish in Cowes.
Brighstone School is looking forward to welcoming back Billy, the school teddy, who also set sail around Great Britain with them!
Joanna Richards, Chair of SWAY said:
‘We will be delighted to see them safely home and celebrate their great achievement. We are not quite sure of what time they will be arriving until nearer the day as they are at the mercy of the wind and tides. Our thanks go to them as they have done so much to support the work of SWAY.’
The money raised will enable SWAY to support young people and their families with a range of activities, community events, youth sessions and 1:1 provision.
Seahorse is anticipated to dock in Cowes on Monday (21).
For more information about the trip go to www.seahorse184.com/