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Anti-Vaxxers Disrupt Isle Of Wight's First Covid Booster Bus Session

Photo: Isle of Wight NHS Trust.

Anti-vaxxers threatened to disrupt the Isle of Wight's first booster bus session last week.

More than 250 Covid vaccines were administered in Sandown last Thursday (December 2) as queues of people awaited their third jab.

The bus has the capacity to vaccinate 1,750 people over four days, on top of the capacity at vaccination centres.

Speaking at a meeting of the Isle of Wight Council’s local outbreak engagement board, Jane Ansell, senior responsible officer and programme director for the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Covid vaccination programme, said the Island was prioritised in the supply of roving vaccine facilities.

Ms Ansell said there was a ‘little bit of an anti-vax problem’ and people were ‘gently escorted away’.

She added there were cheers when anti-vaxxers left and praise for staff holding their nerve.

Cabinet member for adult social care and public health, Cllr Karl Love, criticised those involved in the disruption.

He said:

“It is one thing to be an anti-vaxxer in your own right but to intimidate other people, trying to dissuade them, is not acceptable when we know herd immunisation works (and) lives are being saved.”

The booster bus is aimed at people over 40 and eligible for the vaccine.

Those who manage to get a walk-in vaccination have been urged to cancel their booked appointment to open the slot for someone else.

Capacity on the Island is also being stepped up, including at the Riverside Centre, to cover the increased demand for vaccinations.

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