Voluntary and community organisations providing education and learning opportunities for adults on the Island can now bid for grant funding of up to £30,000.
The Isle of Wight Council’s Adult Community Learning Service has published a new prospectus for 2022/23 detailing the scheme.
Bids are also invited from any enterprise that will use funding to deliver services that widen access to adult learning opportunities.
The service provides opportunities that engage adults in learning, with a focus on those who have benefited least from the formal education system.
The prospectus provides more information about the council's expectations and can be downloaded online.
Rob Brindley in the council’s Adult Community Learning Service is the commissioner for this grant-making process, and can be contacted on 817280 or by emailing [email protected]
Once organisations have read through the prospectus, they are encouraged to contact Rob and discuss their idea, and he can supply an application form.
The deadline for receipt of completed applications is 3pm on Friday July 1.