In the last two weeks, the number of children aged between 0 and four to have tested positive for coronavirus on the Isle of Wight has tripled.
Latest figures have broken down the age ranges of Covid-19 cases confirmed on the Island by specimen date and show more cases have been found in those under 60 than above.
A shift around in the data, however, means the dates some cases were recorded has changed and were reconsigned — leading to a day in November when the registered number of Covid cases on the Island actually dropped.
No reason has been given for the rearranging of data but it has meant the statistics, published by the government’s coronavirus dashboard, varied from that which had already been published.
The new data provided shows between November 7 and 20, 155 cases were confirmed in those aged 0 to 59, almost three times more cases than in those aged 60 and above, where only 53 cases were recorded.
In all of the cases from March to November 20, there have been 204 more cases in the under 60s age group. With only 365 in those aged 60-plus.
During the lockdown period, schools have had to continually ask pupils to self-isolate if they had come into contact with a confirmed case but figures show in the two weeks that followed the start of the second lockdown only 24 positive cases were found in school-aged children, 5 to 19.
In children aged zero to four, the number jumped from 3 to 9 in two weeks.
Twenty-four more cases were found in those aged between 20 and 24, equating to nearly a third of the cases in that age group for the entire pandemic. It is also the age range with the most recorded cases on the Island.
The second highest age group for Covid-19 cases is those aged between 50 and 54, with 72 cases overall but 19 confirmed in the two-week timeframe.
In those aged 80 and over, only eight cases have been recorded in the last two weeks.
To see the full list of Covid-19 cases broken down by age, you can find them in the table.