More than 350 school students are self-isolating on the Isle of Wight, although that number has fallen compared with last week.
As of yesterday (Thursday), 353 students were at home following advice from the Public Health England, according to the Isle of Wight Council.
This time last week there were 403 pupils and 16 staff members self-isolating.
The local authority says the figures can only ever be partial, as it does not have data for children that are self-isolating because of a case in their household.
The number also changes daily due to self-isolation periods ending and new casing occurring.
When asked for figures on the number of school staff affected this week, the council said:
"We cannot provide an accurate figure for the number of staff isolating, as we are not the employer of all schools on the Island, several are academies."
Speaking to Isle of Wight Radio earlier this week, council leader Cllr Dave Stewart insisted schools are safe to remain open.
He said:
"I think they are safe. Everyone is doing their best to follow the guidelines. I've spoken to a number of staff and headteachers are doing amazing jobs to make sure everybody are working in their bubbles...
"There is no such thing as no risk. I think there is such a thing of low risk. I'm amazed the stories I'm hearing over how well school kids are complying but they've got to keep going because there's always a risk and we've got to mitigate that as much as possible."
An interactive map, produced by Isle of Wight Radio, shows the number of schools to have had a confirmed case of coronavirus.