A new 'community' ferry company could be coming to the Isle of Wight, to take on Red Funnel and Wightlink.
An Island-based consortium has put forward plans and is seeking the backing of the Isle of Wight Council.
Although proposals are in the early stages, the consortium has asked the local authority "to consider provision of a letter of support".
A request will go before the council's Cabinet next month (November). Isle of Wight MP Bob Seely has already met with the team behind the plans, and has told Isle of Wight Radio he will back a financial bid.
He said:
"I met several months ago with a team who are looking at options to bring a third car ferry operator to the Island.
"There is a long way to go before any viable option is up and running, however, I am giving those involved my encouragement - a third operator may be the quickest and best way to provide greater competition, and more options for Islanders.
“I will be supporting any financial bids they make to get any scheme off the ground.
“Islanders need better travel options to the mainland. This is one potential way to provide it."
It's not yet known where on the Island the ferries would depart from, but Portsmouth International Port has been touted as a potential terminal mainland-side.
Before plans go any further, the consortium - which is said to be made up of key business players on the Island - is expected to consult with Islanders.
The council's Forward Plan document reads:
"The consortium will be consulting the public and key agencies about the principle of the proposal and should a planning application come forward consultation through the planning process."
The Isle of Wight Council's Cabinet are set to discuss the plans on November 11.