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Education Cabinet Member Urges Deferral Of School Closures Decision

The Isle of Wight councillor spearheading contentious school closure plans has asked his cabinet colleagues to defer a landmark decision.

Education cabinet member Cllr Jonathan Bacon made the call following a storm of criticism from County Hall watchdog the Corporate Scrutiny Committee (CSC) on Tuesday evening (March 4).

CSC unanimously passed a motion stating it had been ‘treated shamefully’ and that ‘any effective and meaningful scrutiny’ of the closures decision is ‘open to ridicule’.

Councillor Geoff Brodie’s submission said CSC had received a ‘circa 1,700 page cabinet report’ setting out the case for the closures ‘just three full working days’ before its Tuesday meeting.

It noted:

“Papers for committees are legally supposed to be published at least five full working days beforehand, with the accompanying publication of background papers being considered to be good practice for effective and meaningful scrutiny.”

Cllr Bacon said this afternoon:

“Following the scrutiny meeting on Tuesday and their request for additional time to scrutinise the cabinet report on school planning, and having considered that request, I can confirm I shall be asking cabinet not to consider the School Place Planning (SPP) item at tonight’s cabinet meeting and to defer the decision.”

At Tuesday’s meeting, he said: “I get his (Cllr Brodie’s) point very much. We have to remember there are many other things going on in the council at the moment and in the education system.

“And, as such, I would be very happy to offer a delay of one week to next week. We already have a CSC and a cabinet in the diary for next week.

“The problem with two weeks is that we will then adversely affect the primary admissions process.

“We are at the point at which letters are due to be sent out for all those due to join primary schools this coming September and if we are put in a position where any decisions in this matter are delayed for another two weeks, I’m not sure how that process can happen, or whether it can happen.”

CSC ultimately requested a two-week postponement of the closures decision until March 20 which it said would ‘allow effective and meaningful scrutiny to be undertaken’.

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