As Christmas approaches, NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) is calling on families on the Isle of Wight to talk about organ donation and register their decision to help save lives.
There are currently eleven patients awaiting the life-saving gift of an organ transplant on the Island and many of their lives could be saved or significantly improved if a donor is found. Yet every day across the UK someone dies in need of an organ transplant.
Anthony Clarkson, director of organ and tissue donation and transplantation at NHSBT, said:
“Wherever and however people on the Isle of Wight plan to spend this Christmas, we hope everyone will be able to enjoy the festivities and spend some much needed time with family and friends.
“There are still thousands of people desperately hoping and waiting for the transplant that will transform their life.
“Please take a moment this Christmas to let your family know your organ donation decision. Those conversations could help save the lives of people currently spending their Christmas waiting for a transplant.”
Further information and access to register organ donation decisions is available online or by calling 0300 123 23 23.