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Five Isle Of Wight Nurseries See Decline In Ofsted Ratings

Whilst schools were out for summer, Ofsted inspectors were in some Isle of Wight nurseries

In the latest round-up of recently released inspection outcomes, five out of ten nurseries were downgraded from 'outstanding'.

Fifty percent of the Island's nurseries in a latest round of inspections have been downgraded from an 'outstanding' rating, with four receiving the rating of 'good' and one receiving an 'inadequate'.

These results come after education watchdog Ofsted completed their latest round of summer inspections, rating the performance of staff and how well the children progressed.

Freshwater Early Years Centre, Niton Pre-School, The Island Little Herons Childcare in Wootton and Blackberry Lane Pre-School in Cowes all saw their ratings decline from outstanding to good.

Meanwhile, Ventnor Community Early Years saw their rating plummet from outstanding down to inadequate, moving it from the highest possible rating to the lowest possible.

Inspectors said: 

"Children's well-being is compromised at the setting.

"They spend long periods of time with no interaction from staff.

"For example, children stand alone for some time staring out of a window.

"Staff fail to acknowledge this.

"As a result, not all children make the progress they are capable of."

There was some good news for Gurnard Pre-School and Berry Hill Childcare in Sandown who both saw their ratings rise from good to outstanding.

Gurnard Pre-School Manager, Val Munt said:

"I am absolutely thrilled and over the moon with the result and so very proud of my team.

"All my staff work incredibly hard to ensure the running of the pre-school is effective and that all children receive the best experiences to progress in their educational journey throughout the setting.

"This is a wonderful recognition to staff who worked tirelessly throughout the covid pandemic."

Three of the other nurseries inspected maintained their previous ratings, Bright Sparks Pre-school in Newport and The Playroom in Ventnor remained at 'good' whilst West Wight Nursery maintained their outstanding rating.

This makes West Wight the only pre-school on the island to maintain an outstanding rating.

West Wight Nursery said:

"As a team we are thrilled all our hard work and care has been recognised by Ofsted who found the children's behaviour exemplary and acknowledged that children thrive and make great progress."


A Quick Guide To Ofsted Ratings 

There is a four-point grading scale used for inspection judgements:

grade 1: Outstanding

grade 2: Good

grade 3: Requires improvement

grade 4: Inadequate


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