A Flood Alert warning has been issued for the Isle of Wight by the Environment Agency.
Wednesday afternoon's tide at 12:15 on 02/08/2023 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with strong Southerly Force 5 winds and large waves.
The weather increases tide table values by 0.63 m.
The total forecast tide is 4.96 metres Chart Datum (2.37 mAOD) at Cowes.
For one hour either side of high water, very minor impact flooding will affect some seafront roads, esplanades and car parks across the Island.
Water will be high up slipways in Cowes, affecting Medina Road and the floating bridge.
In East Cowes, water forced up through drains may cause minor impacts to the road at Albany Road. At 00:20 on Thursday 03/08/2023‚ the tide level remains elevated.
Currently property flooding is unlikely but we will issue further advice tomorrow (02/08/2023). We continue to monitor the forecast.
At Medina Road, near the floating bridge, the tide may rise to be only 0.1m below the top of front door steps.
As a precautionary measure, and if able, it is recommended that flood protection is installed at Medina Road 1 hour before high tide.