The Isle of Wight Foodbank has received £5,000 of funding and a new delivery van, thanks to an Island housing association.
Southern Housing Group provided the charity with the money - which will go directly towards its running costs.
Volunteers have also been given a grant of £10,000 towards a new delivery van - which will allow it to distribute to hubs across the Island.
At the start of the pandemic, there was an 89% increase in food parcel demand on the Island and a 67% rise in household referrals, according to The Trussell Trust. It also warns demand is 'continuing to increase.'
The Mayor of Cowes, Cllr Lora Peacey-Wilcox, said:
‘The Isle of Wight Foodbank has been providing instrumental support over these past few months and it is great to see them being supported in return. Southern Housing Group’s support will be a huge help in our fight against food poverty and our commitment to helping the community through these challenging times. As a town, we are extremely grateful to both Southern Housing Group and the foodbank.’
Anabel Palmer, Director of Community Investment and Care at Southern Housing Group, added:
‘Although the island is no longer in lockdown, the need to access high-quality, affordable food has not gone away. Southern Housing Group is keen to support Isle of Wight Foodbank in any we can to ensure no-one goes hungry.’
Hannah King at the Isle of Wight Foodbank said:
‘The van will be a valuable addition for our collections and deliveries service, enabling us to distribute food to hubs around the island.’
The financial support for this scheme is part of Southern Housing Group’s wider food poverty strategy.