"The development is about greed - not need," says a number of upset local residents in Freshwater, who have slammed the latest greenfield development in the town that has "zero support.".
As previously reported by Isle of Wight Radio, Tallulah Estates submitted an application for outline permission for 130 homes on Camp Road.
Safety and accessibility problems, an impact on local services, concerns about rare wildlife and the issue of the roads and infrastructure. These are just some of the issues that have been raised by locals.
Local resident, Lindsay told Isle of Wight Radio the field and Camp Road is also notorious for flooding.
She said:
“The field floods horrendously and so does Camp Road, regularly throughout the year. Back in 2014, a gentleman was actually run over and really seriously hurt and then later died.
"That was because he was walking out to avoid the flooding and everyone is scared that could happen again. It’s really concerning. In the reports online they actually said it doesn’t flood, but it does and that was a serious accident.”
Scroll for photos of the flooded fields.
Previous attempts have been made to develop the site but plans from 2013 for eight houses were turned down due to insufficient information in planning documents.
The site of the new housing scheme is allocated for at least 90 homes in the draft Island Planning Strategy.
As only outline plans have been submitted, all detailed matters relating to the final scale, layout, appearance, access and landscaping will be determined through later applications.
An association has been formed in the West Wight that aims to protect greenfield land from over development and calls for developers to address ‘local need’. Not just build, build build.
You can join the group here https://www.facebook.com/groups/534061761194946
Lindsay added:
“The people who have put this forward, I believe are ‘no sale no fee’ - people that try and get the planning permission and if they do they get a cut. We haven’t engaged with them because I think they have put up their arguments in their reports.
‘We all question the validity of the reports, for example, the ecology report has not been completed by qualified ecologists, the bat report again, not by qualified ecologists and not at the right time of year and was not completed in the right amount of time.”
She says it has “zero support from the community” and asks why developers are looking at planning permission on greenfield land when there are other brownfield sites around the Island.
Island Roads and Hampshire Constabulary are among the application’s objectors.
Last week (Friday) the Island’s MP Bob Seely met with residents to discuss the application, which he is not supporting and hear concerns from locals, as previously reported. The developers were not present.
Mr Seely said:
“I would like to thank all the residents that shared their views on these plans. This is an exceptionally large development for a small rural town and one that is clearly not wanted by residents or justified by housing need. I am concerned about the impact of this development on existing residents, health services, infrastructure and the environment.”
“It would cause havoc in a small town. Island Roads have recommended the application is refused and I share their concerns about significantly increased traffic volumes and the lack of thought that the developers have given to pedestrians and cyclists in the scheme.
“New housing schemes should give much greater consideration to green travel than this development has, and the safety of all residents and highway users should always come first.”
Mr Seely added:
“I share the concerns of Hampshire Constabulary about the opportunities the layout of the development creates for crime and disorder. It is clear that this development has not been thought through with the safety of residents in mind.”
Freshwater Cllr John Medland has previously called the development ‘completely inappropriate’ and says Sandown Bay would be better suited for it.
Comments on the planning application, 21/01552/OUT, can be submitted until ( Friday 24 September)
Andrew White Planning Agents defended the allegations and told Isle of Wight Radio:
‘Inevitably a proposed development of this scale on greenfield land surrounded by other properties will generate a whole range of concerns. Throughout the preparation of this application we fully engaged with the local planning authority and have fully taken onboard the feedback that was provided.
‘Our application is accompanied by numerous technical reports prepared by suitably qualified professionals and we will happily provide any further clarification or information to address any queries that are raised by the statutory consultees. Similarly, the applicant will enter into a Section 106 legal agreement to ensure that the development contributes to or provides the necessary infrastructure to support a development of this scale. Significantly, the legal agreement will include an obligation upon the developer to provide circa. 46 much needed affordable homes.'
Scroll through photos of Camp Road and the field flooding...