Heavily criticised plans for a raft of new housing on the edge of the Isle of Wight’s county town have resurfaced.
Gallantgreen Ltd resubmitted a hybrid application to County Hall including planning permission to demolish a garage and build 19 homes with associated access and infrastructure on land north of Sylvan Drive in Newport.
Also included in the proposal is a bid for outline permission for a residential development with means of access and open space.
The latest plans have been amended with the position of a combined cycle and pedestrian path changed and one plot removed.
Gallantgreen’s original 2023 bid included 20 homes and was subsequently met with stiff resistance from Newport residents, Newport and Carisbrooke Community Council and councillor Joe Lever, who represents Carisbrooke and Gunville at County Hall.
Objections raised concerns relating to the environment, wildlife, local services and infrastructure, traffic flows, rights of way, affordability, flooding, road safety, water quality, sewerage, submitted documents’ accuracy and clarity, noise and dust levels, parking space and the area’s recreational use.
Cllr Ray Redrup objected to the application following a November 2023 plan revision to extend the combined cycle and pedestrian path.
He said:
“As the ward councillor for Newport West I am objecting to this application.
"This is because there have been several significant flooding events in this area in recent months and I am concerned that the application doesn’t provide enough information on what impact the development will have on this.
“The Environment Agency (EA) has objected to the application due to this, and in particular the EA points out that the Flood Risk Assessment fails to adequately assess the risk posed by this development.”
The application’s original Design and Access Statement written by the consultancy BCM said its client’s proposal was ‘strategically located’ in an area which is neither ‘environmentally sensitive’ nor specially designated.
It said:
“The site is within a sustainable location close to services and facilities. The proposal has evolved with a clear understanding of all physical, social, economic, environmental and policy considerations.
“The layout has been designed so as not to adversely impact on neighbouring properties or any key considerations, including trees.”
A public consultation on the latest proposals will finish on February 21; the council has not yet disclosed a scheduled decision date.