Fire-ravaged derelict outbuildings behind the former Grand Hotel in Sandown could soon be bulldozed.
Permission is being sought to demolish the old holiday apartments to make way for four, new replacements.
The four buildings, which have sat derelict for a number of years, are situated at the rear of the hotel.
In recent years the site has been hit by fire. Earlier this month, more than 20 firefighters were called out. A similar fire also happened in the same location back in October, 2021.
As part of the development, Isle of Wight Hotels Ltd is also asking to put associated parking and landscaping in place.
The proposed buildings are set to be constructed in a style, and with materials of ‘Art Deco’ era appearance.
Plans were first submitted in July 2021, but have since been revised. There was concern that the buildings were connected to the historic Operation PLUTO, which saw WW2 fuel pipelines laid across the county to Sandown Bay.
However, a heritage statement confirms the buildings are in no way linked. It says "proposals would be of benefit to this important tourist area".
Comments can be made on the application until 11/02/2022, quoting reference 21/01422/FUL.