An ‘exciting, home-from-home’ Isle of Wight nursery and pre school has been labelled ‘outstanding’ by an inspector.
Government schools inspectorate Ofsted visited St George’s Nursery and Pre School in Arreton on November 18 and decided on ‘outstanding’ grades for overall effectiveness as well as all inspection categories: quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development and leadership and management.
An inspector found children who ‘arrive happy’ and are ‘eager’ to learn, with staff responding ‘immediately’ when new interests are identified, such as babies wanting to climb.
Ofsted’s report said:
“Children engage in the purposeful activities that the staff create, which are tailored to individual needs.
“The dedicated, experienced staff use every opportunity to extend children’s learning.
“For example, staff recognise the importance of providing a variety of books, both inside and outside.
“Staff have high expectations for children’s behaviour and attitudes to learning are exceptional.
“All children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), make excellent progress from their starting points.”
The report noted St George’s leaders support staff ‘extremely well’, ‘exemplary’ partnerships with parents and ‘excellent arrangements’ for advancing children’s language and communication skills.
Leaders were also said to work ‘exceptionally well’ with local schools, ascertaining what reception class teachers would like children to be able to do and planning activities for their next stage of learning.
Emma Seabrook, manager of St George’s Nursery and Pre School, said:
“We are so pleased with the result of the inspection. We work so hard every day to provide every child with the right opportunities to allow them to grow and develop and it is wonderful to have this recognised by Ofsted.
“This is something that couldn’t have been achieved without such an incredible staff team who really do go above and beyond for the children in our care.
“Team work really does make the dream work at St George’s Nursery and Pre-School."