The Isle of Wight has been chosen to trial a new app to support separating parents and help them secure the best possible outcomes for their children.
The new app called Separating better will enable parents to self-manage their separation, providing emotional and practical support in a single authoritative app.
It will equip parents with the emotional skills and practical information they need to put parenting arrangements in place that work in the best interests of their children.
Debbie Price, area director for the Isle of Wight (children and families) said:
"We know how difficult a relationship breakdown can be and we are keen to hear from anyone on the Island who feel they may benefit from using the app as part of a free trial.
"We are looking for approximately 50 separated parents to take part, whether that be both parents or just one parent from the relationship breakdown.
"The app will have advice videos and information to help support you to reduce conflict and make effective co-parenting arrangements. If you are interested in taking part, please register on the website."
Relationship experts at OnePlusOne were awarded funding from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Reducing Parental Conflict Challenge Fund 2 to create the app, building on its research into emotional readiness and the successful Getting it right for children course.
Research shows that a person’s emotional readiness has a significant impact on their ability to reduce conflict and make effective co-parenting arrangements.
The pilot, which launches today (Thursday 11 January) is looking for 50 Island people to participate in using the app before its planned national roll out in March 2024.