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Island Roads Gives Thanks To Local Community As Road Improvement Programme Completed

Island Roads is thanking local residents as an intensive programme of highway improvement work during May nears completion.

Over the past fortnight, Island Roads has been improving 44 sections of highway on 23 roads using a technique called surface dressing.

In all, around 100,000 square metres of road surface have been upgraded – including on one particularly successful shift when a record amount of improvement work was achieved.

Surface dressing not only improves a road’s skid resistance, it also seals the highway surface stopping the ingress of water which is a major cause of potholes.

The process involves applying a layer of bitumen onto the highway into which chippings are then simultaneously rolled.

The road is swept initially then the action of traffic beds down the chippings into the new surface.

Further sweeps are also carried out and, on less trafficked areas, a secondary sealant process is then applied.

The Island programme was carried out by a fleet of four specialist vehicles operated by Island Roads’ partner Eurovia Surface Treatments (EST). Using the latest vehicles, including a new state-of-the-art combination unit that lays the bitumen and spreads the chippings at the same time.

The team established a record when 22,000 square metres of Alum Bay New Road and Bowcombe Road was treated on a single day during the programme – the most so far achieved by EST in a shift.

An Island Roads spokesman said:

“Though the process is a relatively quick and disruption is less than other resurfacing techniques, it is impossible to undertake the level of work we have been doing without causing some disruption.

“So we’d really like to thank resident for their understanding and patience during work which included some very busy sections of highway such as Whippingham Road.

“Along with the favourable weather, this co-operation really helped us deliver the programme to schedule so we are very grateful to residents and businesses.”

Road markings will be painted from the week commencing June 17.

On the busiest routes, this work will be undertaken overnight.

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