A new hub that will transform the way mental health services are delivered on the island is nearing completion behind the hoardings of the former HMV building in Newport High Street.
Islanders are being given an opportunity to learn more about the new community and mental health hub at an engagement later this month.
The event will also provide the chance for people to ask questions with the team about what services and facilities will be on offer.
Isle of Wight NHS staff are running a community engagement event to raise awareness about the new integrated mental health and community hub opening in the building in Spring 2024.
Taking place from 4pm to 5pm on 22 January at Independent Arts, in Newport. The session will offer an opportunity for the local community to ask and find out more about all the latest information and plans for the new hub.
The new £6.7m hub is part of the once in a generation investment to the island’s NHS services. It will include eight treatment and therapy rooms, a telephone call room where new referrals will be triaged and confidential telephone calls or remote consultations can be held in a self-contained booth.
There will also be several large rooms for group work and community use, plus a community cafe.
The hub has been designed to support better patient and staff experience, as joined up services offering improved continuity of care.
Isle of Wight NHS Trust Lucy Abel, Deputy Director of Integrated Localities, Community & Mental Health and Learning Disability Divisions said:
“Health and care professionals will be able to work alongside each other in one location, meaning they can more easily work together to share professional experience and expertise.”
If you would like more information or you are interested in joining the session email: iownt.GetInvolved@nhs.