An Isle of Wight Council care home is celebrating after being rated 'good' in all areas by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
The Adelaide in Ryde received the rating following an inspection visit on January 21.
It had previously been found to require improvement in 2019.
In the latest report, the inspector judged that the residential care home, which cares for up to 24 people with a physical disability or dementia, was safe, effective, caring, responsive and well led.
The judgement means all council care provision is now rated good by the health and social care regulator. This includes The Gouldings, Plean Dene, Saxonbury, Westminster House as well as Shared Lives and Community Outreach and Reablement.
In the summary report, the CQC said:
"People all gave us positive feedback about The Adelaide and told us that staff were kind and caring. Privacy and dignity were promoted and independence was actively supported."
The CQC's report found there were appropriate polices and systems in place to protect people from the risk of abuse and the management team and staff understood the actions they should take to keep residents safe.
Inspectors also found:
- Individual risks were assessed and managed appropriately
- People had access to any necessary equipment where needed, which helped ensure people were safe from harm;
- People were supported to take their medications safely and as prescribed;
- Appropriate recruitment procedures helped ensure only suitable staff were employed;
- Staff had received training and support to enable them to carry out their role safely.
Kelly Ross, the registered manager at The Adelaide, said:
"I am extremely proud of what we have achieved as a team over the past three years.
"It has not been easy with COVID being thrown into the mix, but every member of the Adelaide team — our managers, seniors, support workers (day and night), therapists, domestics, kitchen staff, admin and maintenance — have all had a part to play in achieving a 'good' outcome across the board. I can't thank them all enough.”
Jo Parry, Group Manager, said:
"I am incredibly proud of each and everyone working within our internal services. The admiration, dedication and care they provide give the people we support the best quality of life.”
Councillor Karl Love, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, said:
"This is wonderful, reassuring news for the families and residents at the care home. The award comes with our grateful thanks to Kelly and her hard-working team at The Adelaide.
"It takes a lot of effort and energy, along with high-quality care, to achieve this standard. It’s a credit to them all and we are grateful for their efforts.
"For us as a council this means that all of our internal CQC registered provision is rated 'good' and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our care workers who go above and beyond - and especially during the pandemic - every day to ensure our residents are safe and happy."
The full report is available to view here: https://www.iow.gov.uk/Council/OtherServices/Adult-Social-Care-Learning-Disability/Our-Homes1