Work to further improve cycling and pedestrian routes on the outskirts of Newport will begin next week.
Island Roads will be undertaking the project to upgrade the junction with Mews Lane and Fairlee Road.
This will complement work completed earlier this year to create a new all-weather shared-use path between the Riverside Centre and Mews Lane by safely joining this with the existing shared-use path between Fairlee Road and the Racecourse.
The work will also improve vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access in and out of Mews Lane.
The project will begin on January 9 and is expected to last five weeks.
During work, two-way traffic lights will be in operation outside of peak times (between 9.30am and 3.30pm weekdays).
Towards the end of the scheme a full road closure will be necessary over a maximum of two nights with traffic diverted via Staplers.
An Island Roads spokesperson said:
“The Mews Lane to Riverside shared-use path has been both very well received and used by pedestrians and cyclists.
“This work will link that new section with the existing onward shared-use path to bring about a welcome safety enhancement of the Islands footway and cycleway network.”
The Mews Lane to Riverside cycle way will be accessible to all users but closed as a through route between Mews Lane and Halberry Lane.