An Isle of Wight prison officer has appeared in court accused of having a sexual relationship with a prisoner and sanctioning the beating of a colleague - along with a number of other offences.
It's alleged that Lauren Jade McIntyre, 32, wilfully neglected to perform her duty in HMP Isle of Wight (Albany), while also wilfully misconducting herself, between August and December 2018.
Miss McIntyre, of St Johns Wood Road, Ryde is accused of abusing the public's trust by having a sexual relationship with an inmate.
She is also accused of failing to report her knowledge that the prisoner was in possession of a mobile phone, providing her personal mobile phone number, communicating via mobile phone, supplying a copy of her photograph and attempting to facilitate the transfer of money from the prisoner into her bank account.
Miss McIntyre is also alleged to have sanctioned the beating of Prison Officer, Samuel Laidler, providing the personal mobile phone number of Mr Laidler and taking no steps to warn Mr Laidler or the prison authorities of the impending beating.
Official court documents seen by Isle of Wight Radio also claim Miss McIntrye passed information to the inmate regarding the information she had given to the prison authorities about the alleged misconduct of other members of staff, withheld from the prison authorities information regarding potentially corrupt officers and failed to report other information expeditiously, contrary to Common Law.
The case has been referred from Magistrates' Court to the Isle of Wight Crown Court.