Isle of Wight taxi fares could rise in response to rising fuel and running costs.
Taxi drivers and proprietors requested an increase in tariffs during an Isle of Wight Council consultation with the trade last November.
Full details are contained in a report to the authority's Licensing Committee published today (Friday) and available to view here.
The highest increases suggested by the trade would mean a two-mile journey (tariff 1 — 8am-10pm) would rise by £1.10, a five-mile journey by £2.30 and a ten-mile journey by £4.30.
The last review of Island taxi fares was back in May 2019 — pre-pandemic — and only made changes to one set of tariffs. There have not been any changes to the other fares or charges since 2014.
According to the report, council staff feel an increase in tariffs could be justified but are concerned the proposed Table of Fares recommended by the trade is a "significant" rise.
However, the report states:
"It is important for the committee to consider the wishes of the trade.
"It is recommended that consultation is undertaken with the trade’s proposals, with an implementation date of 1 May 2022 if there are not outstanding representations after the consultation."
The Licensing Committee is due to meet on 28 February to consider the report and a recommendation to undertake a formal public consultation by issuing a statutory notice.