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Isle of Wight Youth Trust Chosen As Glanville's Demant Charity Of The Year

Glanvilles Damant Solicitors have chosen Isle of Wight Youth Trust as their 2024 charity of the year. 

The company have already started a programme of fundraising events including a quiz earlier in the year and on 17th July they organised a successful lunchtime event at their offices in Newport.

Glanvilles Damant arranged for The Big Eat to serve food to neighbouring businesses and set up activities for people to take part in which included balancing 20p on a lemon and a guess the number of sweets in a jar competition, all in exchange for donations to the Isle of Wight Youth Trust. 

Prizes for the raffle were kindly donated by Red Funnel, Valentino’s Restaurant, Canopy Skatepark, Caffe Isola, French Franks, Apex competitions, Love Coffee and 1Leisure. The Big Eat also donated some of the proceeds from the event to the Youth Trust.

As well as raising money for the charity, this was a great opportunity for employees to take a break, socialising with neighbouring businesses and enjoy some great food, all of which is good for their wellbeing.

Jo Dare, CEO of the Isle of Wight Youth Trust:

“We are extremely grateful to Glanvilles Damant for organising this event and to everyone involved, including the Big Eat Co for providing a delicious lunch. Collaborations with local businesses like this are vital for us to be able to continue the work we do, supporting and empowering young people.

"Thank you to everyone who supported the event. We are really looking forward to our ongoing partnership with Glanvilles Damant.”

The idea for the event, and all the organising, was down to the trainee solicitors at Glanvilles Damant, Jamie Lee Vernon and Scarlett Larbalestier, and thanks to them a total of £697 was raised for the charity.

Cat Kureen, Business Manager, said:

“We are incredibly proud of the efforts of our trainee Solicitors in arranging this event, which was enjoyed by everyone who joined us, and are so pleased to have been able to have raised such a fantastic amount.

"The Isle of Wight Youth Trust is a charity close to our hearts here at Glanvilles Damant and we are aware from first hand experience that more young people, and their families, are in need of support and services like those being provided by them.  We are looking forward to working with them further this year."

The money they have raised will help the Youth Trust support Island children, young people and their families through mental health and wellbeing provision.

The Youth Trust offer a variety of services to provide support to young people through counselling, employment and housing support, group work and parent support sessions.

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