The Isle of Wight's mental health and wellbeing organisation is celebrating its second birthday today (Saturday).
Isorropia Foundation, based in Newport is a blend of professionals and people with lived experience.
It delivers a wide range of wellbeing programmes designed to empower people to take control of their wellbeing, develop resilience and live their best possible life.
Since it first opened its doors in May 2019, Isorropia has accepted nearly 1500 referrals. For many of the members, the Isorropia programme has been life-changing, enabling them to live more fulfilled lives embedded in their communities.
As part of the programme, the team is able to support members with volunteering opportunities, allowing them to gain the confidence and skills to enter into the world of further education and employment.
The team says it has been an interesting two years - the pandemic hit a couple of months before Isorropia’s first birthday, so the team has had to be really innovative and flexible in how best to meet the needs of the population.
In response to the first national lockdown in March 2020, Isorropia moved its community mental health wellbeing service online, to continue to provide support to its members, as well as the wider community.
The online support was said to be very effective and in September 2020 and Isorropia secured 6 months’ funding from the National Lottery’s Coronavirus Fund to further develop the online programme.
One member said:
“I am so glad Isorropia exists, it has been a truly life changing experience. I didn't think anything could ever work for me, but Isorropia has changed my life – actually - Isorropia has shown me how I can change my life, I will be forever grateful.”
Another member added:
“When I started at Isorropia I was slightly nervous, not sure what to expect, I went in with an open mind, I immediately noted the coaches were pleasant and talk from experience and also talk from the heart. They treated me with a great attitude and I found them to be empowering and supportive. Isorropia has changed me. It has been a truly transformational experience. I am so grateful to you all.”
Isorropia now works closely with GP surgeries to enable easier access to Isorropia’s services. Six mental health practitioners are based in GP surgeries across the Isle of Wight, and appointments can be booked directly with them.
The mental health practitioners can provide support, advice and guidance and can refer people directly into the mental health wellbeing programmes at Isorropia Foundation.
Dan O’Neil, GP and the CCG’s Clinical Lead for Mental Health and Learning Disabilities added:
“Isorropia is an innovative third sector organisation which has worked with the NHS Trust to help transform the Island’s community mental health and wellbeing support offer over the last two years. Increasing joint working with GPs is really positive news for the Island and an important step in providing more choice to people suffering with mental health and wellbeing issues.
“As we have now had over a year of living in a pandemic, in which all of our lives have been affected in some way or another by factors such as bereavement, lockdown, job security and health concerns, it is more important now than ever that people have easy access to mental health support. Isorropia has a really important part to play in ensuring that by working together, we increase the chance of being able to offer the right support for someone, as early as possible.”
A snapshot survey of members who completed their journey with Isorropia last Autumn showed that:
- hope for the future increased for 95% of participants
- wellbeing increased for all participants
- anxiety management improved for 95% of participants
- social isolation and reported self-harm were eliminated from a cohort, who previously reported 60% isolation and 40% self-harm
CEOS Charlie Bell/Vicki Haworth, said:
“We’re extremely proud of how the organisation continues to develop and would like to thank everyone who has supported us over the last two years, with the biggest thanks going to our members who have put their trust in us. As we move forward with the rest of 2021 we will have more exciting news and developments to share, which we hope will continue to improve access to the services and outcomes for people experiencing mental health difficulties on the Isle of Wight.”