The Isle of Wight's Toogether festival has been cancelled.
The event was due to take place at Sandown Airport July 30- August 1.
In a statement, organisers said:
"It is with a heavy heart that we, at Toogether, have today been forced to make the difficult decision to cancel this event.
"We have weighed up all options at this crucial point, and feel there is too much risk to proceed at this time of uncertainty.
"Sadly, as you are aware, each day there is an overwhelming increase in COVID cases, both on the Island and nationwide.
"Based on the safety of all of the team, performers, and you, our festival lovers, the rise of high positive cases, and crucially high isolation cases, weighs too heavily against us. This rise in isolations could result in acts and performers not being able to attend the event or us losing a whole team of critical services mid-event leaving the public at risk.
"Please know, that this decision has not been an easy one to make, but the safety of the team and the public must come first.
"Stay safe everyone and we hope to see you in the future.
"Please contact your point of ticket purchase for a full refund."