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Lanesend Primary To Close Following Confirmed Case Of Coronavirus

Year six children at Lanesend Primary have been told to stay at home after another case of coronavirus was confirmed at the school.

It is the third case to have been recorded at the Cowes site since Sunday (13). 

Staff in the year six bubble have also been told self-isolate.

A spokesperson for the school said:

"We have today informed our families that we have another confirmed case of COVID-19. We are working closely with Public Health England and the Department for Education and have informed our year six children to isolate, as well as the year six team.

"We know that our year six children and families will be disappointed not to be in school for the rest of this Christmas week. We will endeavour to do as much as we can with them virtually and to continue to share the Christmas joy. We will provide a further update later today and we are here to talk through and support any concerns."

An interactive map showing Isle of Wight schools with confirmed COVID-19 cases can be found below...


The school has announced it will close at the end of today (Tuesday) following an increase in the number of staff self-isolating.

A spokesperson said:

"This decision has not been made lightly and has followed conversations with the Head Teacher, Public Health, DfE and the Local Authority and a review of the numbers of staff that are now self-isolating.

"As Trustees we feel we can no longer guarantee the safe running of the school due to the reduced staff numbers and feel that on-line learning for the final 3 days of the term is the most appropriate course of action.

"We will be providing a key worker and vulnerable children provision for these final few days."

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