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Majority Of West Wight Village Not In Favour Of Isle Of Wight Road Races

69 per cent of those surveyed in Brighstone DO NOT want the Isle of Wight Road Races to go ahead next year.

As previously reported by Isle of Wight Radio, the event could see motorcycles travelling at more than 100 mph through Chale, Shorwell and Brighstone using a long stretch of the Military Road. 

A six-week consultation is underway for Islanders to hear more about what the 12.4 mile course will entail - if approved for next April - but permission for the time trial races has not yet been granted.

The permits from the Isle of Wight Council as highways authority and the Auto-Cycle Union (ACU) have not been applied for yet, as previously reported.

The motorcycle event replaces the Diamond Races which was planned for the same time next year - but has now been suspended.

None of the organisers responded to Isle of Wight Radio's request for a reason as to why the event was cancelled. Isle of Wight Radio understands it is because only one motorcycle race can take place on the Island in one year.

Parish Councillors also complained about a lack of consultation about the Diamond Races, also highlighted concerns about speeding and the potential copycat effect the races could have on other ‘boy racers’.

Recently, 1,070 Brighstone residents responded to a survey and 31 per cent defended the event saying they want it to go ahead.

Parish Councillor, Nick Stuart says he 'welcomes' the decisive result of 31 percent in favour and 69 per cent not, he said:

‘Having campaigned in the recent election against the races I was keen that the Parish Council held an early survey, overseen by the neutral Parish Clerk. Accordingly I welcome the decisive result, while recognising the number of people happy to see racing.

'Speaking to senior political figures on the Isle of Man, receiving comments from Isle of Man residents, and talking to local Islanders it is clear that high-speed racing on Island Roads would have enormous downsides. 

'Issues include race safety, year-round dangerous amateurs; environmental damage, doubtful economics and incompetent organisation demonstrate how the fundamental rural character of West Wight could be destroyed.

'As a Liberal Democrat, my first fury was over the lack of consultation by the race organisers or the previous Conservative Council. Their PR and “done deal” approach, and collective failure to provide accurate information or follow basic legal guidelines was simple arrogance.

'We have heard the voices of the Brighstone public against this racing in West Wight, recognising that many people would like sporting events and support for the rural West Wight. I will continue to resist any racing plans and urge other affected.

Local Councillor Steve Hastings told Isle of Wight Radio:

“As a resident who lives within earshot of the Military Road with all of the screaming noise of racing motorbikes at weekends especially, I have long held a personal opinion of opposition to any road races coming our way, however I have to date kept that to myself as I felt I should support the residents in my ward and I do represent all residents.

"That said, I have been pushing for a survey to be held in order that I am not speaking as my voice but as the majority of local voices and as you rightly point out, that has now taken place, therefore given the results of our Brighstone Parish Council survey to all homes in our area, there is a clear view that residents do not support this kind of event and therefore I do not support it either.

"There is also my main concern that I have voiced all along about the health and safety aspect of such events. It is well known that the Isle of Man has a terrible record on safety and I do not want to see such statistics coming to the Island.

"I am concerned about copy cat speeding of motorbikes on the Military Road and indeed we had a very bad accident recently between a motorcycle and a car at Compton. I am bringing a motion to council this week to persuade the current Cabinet to go ahead with purchasing average speed cameras for such roads on the Island for which we did put a line in the budget of £300,000. I would like to think they will support road safety and vote positively for this motion. 

“Some opposition groups have said that the previous Conservative Administration and the Council should have taken action or consulted. I should point out that the Isle of Wight Council to date has not received a full and prepared proposal and until the organisers bring one forward, there is nothing to consult on.”

Parish Councils and the Isle of Wight Council will carry out their own consultations and enquiries.

Brighstone Parish Council will be hosting a meeting tomorrow (Tuesday) with the race organisers to ask questions forwarded by local residents.

More details of the public consultation programme can be found on the event website: iwrr.co.uk/questions-answers

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