Two new weather stations have gone live in Cowes to help commercial and leisure vessels make safe navigational decisions.
Cowes Harbour Commission (CHC) and OceanWise Ltd. have completed a Stakeholder Benefit project to install two environmental monitoring stations on the River Medina, to provide harbour users with tide and weather data.
A fixed weather station at Shephards Marina provides tide height and visibility information, whilst a floating weather station in the main harbour provides information on harbour wind speed and direction, temperature, and barometric pressure.
Hampshire-based OceanWise, specialists in marine environmental data management, have installed similar systems at other ports in the UK, including ABP Southampton, London, Dover and Liverpool. For Cowes, OceanWise has used a range of monitoring instruments including the Valeport Tide Gauge and Biral Visibility Sensor.
Data from all the sensors is collected and transmitted using OceanWise’s smart telemetry service and data management and display system (Port-Log), for use by Cowes Pilots and commercial vessels, and publication online.
Cowes Harbour Master, Ed Walker, said:
“As a trust port, we work to ensure navigational safety remains a top priority in the harbour.
"The new Cowes Weather Station is the latest CHC Stakeholder Benefit project designed to help us, leisure and commercial stakeholders continue to operate safely. Delivered with OceanWise’s expertise in marine data it will also enable CHC to monitor and manage key environmental data for the harbour."
Mark Jonas, Technical Director at OceanWise, said:
“We are proud to have worked with Cowes Harbour Commission on this project. CHC has not only taken a proactive approach to their monitoring requirements but are innovating and thinking ‘outside the box’ to seek out the best solutions to support their operations.
“We are assisting more ports and harbours than ever to improve and modernise their environmental monitoring capabilities.
"Robust and integrated marine data management systems are helping our customers to improve safety, respond to changing weather patterns, and enhance decision-making.”
The tide and weather sensors feed data to the online Cowes Weather Station that has just been launched on CHC’s mobile enabled website: cowesharbourcommission.co.uk/cowes_weather_station