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New Warehouse Could 'Support Expanding Companies' And 'Deliver Islander Employment Opportunities

A new warehouse that could ‘support expanding companies’ and ‘deliver employment opportunities’ will be built next to an Isle of Wight river.

County Hall has approved marine manufacturing and service business JAM & Sons Ltd’s planning application to build a large steel span industrial building in the Greengates Industrial Estate in Cowes, next to the River Medina.

JAM & Sons’s agent, the Andrew White Planning Consultancy, said the structure will comprise three ‘starter units’ offering flexible space for small industrial businesses.

A submitted statement from the consultancy said:

“The application site previously contained industrial buildings rented out for general industrial purposes but was subsequently destroyed by fire in 2016 after which time the site remained derelict and unused.

“The proposed scheme is to develop the site with a terrace of three industrial units along the south eastern boundary and to retain and bring back into use the existing building (repaired without the need for consent) along the north western boundary.

"This created four units to be rented out for which the applicant envisages as starter units for small industrial business offering a flexible space that could support expanding companies and deliver employment opportunities within a wholly appropriate location.”

A report justifying the council’s decision said:

“The building would appear in keeping with the character and scale of the surrounding built environment, with simple elevations finished with green cladding.

“The proposed development would not prejudice the setting of nearby heritage assets.

“The introduction of a new industrial building would not compromise nearby properties, subject to controls over hours of use.

“The local planning authority (LPA) considers that the detailed measures for flood resilience and flood warning and evacuation plans could be secured by condition, given the nature of the use.”

Conditions attached to the council’s permission include a Construction Management Plan and surface water drainage scheme being submitted to and approved by the LPA to comply with Island planning policy.

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