The vaccination hub at Newport's Riverside Centre celebrated its one year anniversary by honouring the 500 or so volunteers who have helped to run operations.
The centre is accountable for more than 96,000 of the 310,197 Covid-19 vaccinations administered across the Island.
The total number is made up of 113,329 first doses, 107,607 second doses and 89,261 boosters.
Sarah Stringer, senior operations manager at the centre (pictured below), said:
"It has been a privilege to be involved with the centre — our aim is to give something back to our local community, which was and continues to be a joy.
"It's an ever changing programme, at the moment we're focusing on those who haven't had vaccines and reaching out to local communities.
"Come and talk to us if you're not sure about getting the vaccine, we're not here to make you have it but we'll absolutely give you the time you need."
Geoff Brown, a volunteer at the centre, said taking the position has aided his mental health:
"The fantastic camaraderie has helped me as I've become part of a community and made good friends through volunteering at the centre.
"My first shift here was with someone who lives four doors along from me and I'd never met them before!"
Fellow volunteer, Mandy, has been volunteering at the centre since it opened on February 1, 2021.
She told Isle of Wight Radio:
"I retired some time ago and when I saw this opportunity become available I thought it would be a great idea.
"It has been especially helpful for me with filling a void during the winter months."
From next week the Riverside Centre will be opening on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays between 8am and 8pm.