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Niamh And Aaron Top List Of Brit's Most Commonly Misspelt Names

New research has revealed the most commonly misspelt names by Brits with Niamh and Aaron topping the lists.

The study conducted by Unscrambled Words analysed Google search data to establish which names had the highest monthly searches for their correct spelling.

Niamh took the top spot of the UK’s most misspelt names. The spelling for the name, which means ‘bright’, had an average of 4,110 monthly searches in the UK.

Common variations of the name include Neve, Nieve, Neave, Neavh or Neeve.

The name Rachel ranked second with an average of 2,770 Google searches being made each month by Brits for the correct spelling of the name.

The popularity of the name Rachel skyrocketed in the late 90’s, likely from the success of the TV show Friends. 

The name has multiple spelling variations, including Rachael with similar versions of the name including Raquel, contributing to the searches for how to spell it.

Aaron is the most commonly misspelt boys name and third overall. Brits searched ‘how to spell’ the name Aaron 2,670 times a month on average.

The name Margaret is the fourth most misspelt name in the UK. The name has an average of 2,410 searches each month for the correct spelling.

Girls’ names appeared to be more difficult to spell with 70% of the top ten names being girls names.

A spokesperson from Unscrambled Words commented on the study:

“Every name can be spelled in various ways, which can often make the name more sentimental or unique.

However, it is fascinating to see which names have Brits the most confused when it comes to their spelling, as many on the list are incredibly popular.”

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