An Isle of Wight primary school has been described as ‘welcoming’ and ‘highly ambitious’ following a recent ungraded inspection.
A report from the government’s schools inspectorate, Ofsted, said pupils at Wootton Community Primary School are ‘enthusiastic about their learning’, ‘settle into school quickly’ and develop positive learning habits.
The school’s overall effectiveness was graded as ‘good’ after its last inspection in March 2019.
Ofsted returned in November this year to see if standards have been maintained since.
“Over the last few years, the school has further refined the curriculum, and this has led to a rise in standards,” an inspector noted.
“Pupils with SEND are identified early and adaptations are made to ensure they achieve success.
“Beyond the academic, the school encourages pupils to develop their character and behaviours for learning, so they are ready for the next stage of their education.
“The school actively promotes the benefits of pupils attending school regularly.
“Leaders and governors work effectively to identify and address any barriers, so that pupils have equal access to the ambitious curriculum and wider opportunities.”
Two areas where the school could improve were identified: pupils’ range of vocabulary and writing skills and the assessment of wider curriculum subjects.
Jane Wilford, headteacher, said:
“We are delighted with our really positive report which echoes our school ethos and continued progress.
“The whole team and school community were able to show our hard work and success with the teaching of reading, and our provision for pupils with SEND in particular.
“We are so pleased that the inspector confirmed with us our school development areas so we will continue to work on these to drive further improvements for all our children across the curriculum.
“The dedication of the staff team to every child cannot be understated and we know that our ‘happy, welcoming, and ambitious school’ will continue to thrive.”