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"Overly Dominant" With "No Public Benefit": Council Refuses Seaview Village Storage Building Plans

A proposal to replace a storage building in the centre of an Isle of Wight seaside village has been turned down by the council following local opposition.

County Hall planners refused Mr and Mrs Rivlin’s plans for a replacement garage and personal art studio on Seaview’s Circular Road, saying they would have no ‘public benefit’ and would ‘cause harm’ to the village’s conservation area.

The council’s decision comes after the refusal of a previous application at the site in December last year.

A statement from the Rivlins’ agent, The Goddard Partnership, said the proposal would ‘make better use of the site’ and ‘improve the aesthetic fronting to Circular Road’.

The Goddard Partnership’s submitted drawings showed the development would include car storage space, a courtyard and a mezzanine.

A council report said:

“It is considered that this proposal would cause harm to the conservation area and setting of a listed building, with no public benefit that would outweigh this harm.

“The proposed development would fail to conserve or enhance the character and appearance of the Seaview Conservation Area and would not represent good quality design that complements its surroundings and avoids harm to the historic environment.

“By reason of its design, scale, mass and siting, this proposal would have an adverse impact on the occupants of neighbouring properties by reason of appearing overly dominant, causing a loss of outlook and loss of light and overshadowing to amenity areas and habitable rooms.”

Nettlestone and Seaview Parish Council lodged an objection last month:

“Albeit that the development has been reduced in size from its previous application, the council does not see this reduction as significant enough to make a material difference.

“Therefore, it objects to this application on the following grounds: this will be an overdevelopment of the site, the proposed development will be overbearing for neighbours, the development will lead to a loss of light for neighbours and the proposal will be out of keeping with the conservation area.”

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