Business owners and managers in Ryde High Street are being asked to help keep the pedestrian zone safe by sticking to the rules when it comes to deliveries.
Since the pedestrian zone was created in the High Street, vehicle deliveries have been restricted to between 6am and 10am. Graces Bakery is allowed access to Mill Lane owing to a previous long held access agreement.
Ryde Council Town Clerk, Tina Dyer, is growing increasingly concerned for the safety of people using the High Street after 10am as vehicles have been flouting the new regulations.
She said:
“We have seen many vehicles continuing to enter the pedestrian zone after 10am and we are acutely concerned for the safety of the public.
“A leaflet is being sent to all businesses in the High Street reminding them of the times when deliveries can be made.
“If deliveries are made after 10am, the loading bays in Garfield Road and John Street should be used and items moved by trolley to business premises.
“Penalties will be enforced with drivers who contravene the regulations.”
The pedestrian zone was created as part of the Ryde Heritage Action Zone and the aim is to create a space where people feel happy and safe to gather.
The aim is to make the High Street a hub of activity and to increase dwell time, bringing more people to businesses located there and to use the space for events and al fresco dining.
Business owners and managers in the High Street are being asked to remind suppliers they need to make deliveries before 10am and book ferry times to be able to meet that deadline.Lisa added: