Two public meetings are taking place in East Cowes later this month, seeking the views of local people, employees and businesses on walking and cycling routes for the area.
East Cowes Town Council and Whippingham Parish Council are working together to produce a Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP), which will be published at the end of March.
Public consultation meetings for this plan are taking place on Thursday February 24 from 6pm to 8pm, and Friday February 25 from 2pm to 4pm, at East Cowes Town Hall, York Avenue PO32 6RU.
All residents and people who work in the area are welcome to attend these meetings, whether they currently cycle or go for walks in the area, or do not.
There is no need for attendees to register for these events in advance, as they can just drop in to the Town Hall during these times whenever convenient for them.
Over 350 households from the East Cowes and Whippingham area have already completed the online survey for the cycling and walking plan.
Residents and people who work in the area who have not yet completed the online survey can do so online.
Or, residents can phone consultants Plan Research on the local rate number 0845 508 3085 and leave a message with their views on cycling and walking in the Whippingham and East Cowes area.