Islanders are being asked for their say in how walking and cycling routes could be improved in Sandown, Shanklin and Lake.
Using funds awarded by Active Travel England, the Isle of Wight Council has commissioned a Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan for the Bay area of the Island.
Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plans, or LCWIPs for short, are plans that identify key routes and zones where changes to the infrastructure or the implementation of more walking and cycling friendly policies can provide higher quality, safer environments for people to get around on foot, wheelchair, mobility scooter and bike.
A particular focus is on routes to important local destinations like schools, shops, places of work and medical centres.
The project is being facilitated by Cowes-based sustainable travel consultancy People Powered CIC, who have already undertaken LCWIPs for the Cowes area and for the East Wight parishes of Brading, Bembridge and St Helens.
Will Ainslie, director at People Powered said:
“Local people are the experts on their area; what’s good, what’s bad, what are the issues that prevent them from walking and cycling around the area more and how they’d like to see things made better.
"Be it wider pavements, dedicated cycle tracks, improved crossings on certain junctions, slower traffic speeds… yhis is a great opportunity for people to contribute their views and we want as many people as possible to get involved.”
As well as gathering the views of the community, People Powered will be collecting travel data from key trip generators and existing travel patterns in the area, before combining all the information to put forward proposals for a network of routes and area wide improvements.
The Bay Area LCWIP will complement plans already produced for other parts of the Island and will also incorporate feedback from the recently undertaken Bay Area Place Plan consultation.
People Powered have set up an interactive map of the Sandown/Shanklin/Lake area to make it easy for people to indicate what improvements they’d like to see and where.
The map is available at yourviews.org.uk until 17th September.
In addition to the web-based map, drop-in sessions are scheduled across the area. They are:
- Sat 9th Sept, 3-5pm, The Lions Club, New Rd, Lake, PO36 9LA
- Sun 10th Sept, 11am-1pm, Broadway Centre, Sandown, PO36 9GG
- Wed 13th Sept, 6-8pm, Falcon Cross Hall, Shanklin, PO37 7LA
Comments can also be sent in by email to: [email protected].