Planning permission is being asked for after a Chale barn was rebuilt and turned into a motorcycle group’s clubhouse without consent.
The retrospective application has been submitted by Mr and Mrs Colson after Isle of Wight Council enforcement officers were made aware of the changes.
A barn at Sheep Lane Farm, on Blythe Shute, Chale, was damaged by the weather but rebuilt in 2016, according to planning documents, and has been used by the Jager Riders club for more than a year.
The club met once or twice a month using the clubhouse as a place to socialise and plan events, with members from across the Island, but due to Covid-19, activities have since stopped.
The council contacted the applicants in October 2019 over the alleged breach of planning control and were told of plans to diversify the farm business.
It was said some of the agricultural buildings were not fit for modern-day farming machinery but enforcement officers said that needed to be considered before the changes took place and as that had not happened, ‘breaches of planning control had been established’.
As the barn was rebuilt it still contains aspects of the previously standing structure but now holds a communal lounge space, bar, and kitchen for community use, complete with an outside decking area.
The Isle of Wight Council also raised concerns about the impact it might have to neighbours and said such a clubhouse was more likely to be found in more urban settings as opposed to the rural countryside, where it is more likely to disturb the tranquillity.
Environmental Health, however, said it had not received complaints relating to the motorcycle club, and does not object to the application but asked for conditions to be imposed relating to how frequently the club meets, the hours the clubhouse is open and that no loudspeakers or form of amplified music is permitted externally.
Sheeps Farm Lane
Planning agents, BCM, said the farm location is as suitable, ‘if not more so’, for the motorcycle club where there are limited neighbours and ample parking.
In defence of the application, BCM said:
“The Jager Riders club have made this barn their own and the refusal of this planning application will mean they will lose their clubhouse.”
Island Roads is recommending the application be refused, however, due to limited visibility at the junction with Sheep Lane Farm and Blythe Shute and the ‘intensification’ of vehicle movements the proposal would bring.
To view the application (21/00077/FUL), you can visit the council’s planning portal. Comments will be accepted until March 5.