WightAid has revealed which four charities on the Isle of Wight have received a cash boost of nearly £7,000 - to start the new year.
Whippingham Community Association, IW Suicide Prevention and Intervention, the IW Community Rail Partnership and Girlguiding Isle of Wight have received some of the cash - in the first tranche of funding allocated by WightAid in 2021.
Suicide Prevention and Intervention will use their £1,317 to provide equipment and training for frontline team members to help them in situations where distressed individuals are in, or near, water.
IOW Community Rail Partnership has received £2,000 for its Food on the Move’ Project to distribute 200 weekly railwayman’s lunches to the ‘rail corridor community’ of vulnerable families/isolated elderly.
Girlguiding IW will use its grant for a mobile phone and two-year contract so the organisation can, also with two donated laptops, better keep in touch with guides by Zoom and voice calls.
WightAid founder Geoff Underwood said:
“The business community is determined to do its bit to make the Island an even better place to live.
“Similarly, there are also so many groups, individuals and organisations working tirelessly toward the same goal and we are delighted to be a conduit between those willing to give money and those in need of support.
“These first grants of the year will support four very different projects but they each make a valuable contribution to improving life on the Island.”
Whippingham Community Association will receive £3,000 towards its project to provide better access and improved toilet facilities so more people are able to use the community centre."
Trevor Rann of Whippingham Community Association added:
"We thank WightAid for this very welcome grant which will increase usage and make the building a viable and valuable community
hub. The support they are able to provide groups such as ours is just invaluable"
WightAid provides funding to charities, groups and organisations working to improve the lives of people on the Island. It does so by channelling funds provided to it by businesses and organisations who want to make a difference in the local community.
Since it was founded, WightAid has distributed over £330,000.