A proposed Freshwater development has been reduced after objectors feared the ‘destructive’ effect it could have on their quiet cul-de-sac.
Revised plans have been submitted to the Isle of Wight Council by Tallulah Estates, cutting the units outlined for Birch Close, on formerly agricultural land, from 50 dwellings to 44.
Nearly 50 objections against the greenfield development have been posted including from the Island’s MP Bob Seely, the local branch of the Campaign for Protection of Rural England and Totland and Colwell Cllr Chris Jarman before he was elected.
Freshwater Parish Council were among objectors and said it would be a major overdevelopment of the land.
With other big projects approved and some being built in the area already, the traffic increase the proposed housing would bring was also thought to be excessive.
Birch Close residents had expressed concerns about the visual intrusion and infringement to their privacy should the application be approved, as six windows of one of the two-storey blocks of flats would directly look into their gardens.
Under the new plans, that block of flat has been removed and other properties along the boundary revised into chalet bungalows.
Previously plans were for 38 houses and 12 flats, in a mix of 32 market and 18 affordable properties.
The changes will still see 32 houses built but only six flats, although providing more affordable houses despite the overall reduction of the site.
Of the 44 properties, 16 would be affordable — providing a range of one to four-bed dwellings in six flats and ten houses.
Plans for the site have been ever-changing since they were first formed in 2017, starting with 40 properties jumping to 60 in 2020 but concerns over some of the dwellings being too cramped slowly saw the numbers proposed working down to 56, then 50 and now 44 dwellings.
Before the revised plans were submitted, agent for the development, Andrew White Planning Consultancy, said the scheme struck an important balance of making efficient use of the site while assimilating comfortably with the density and residential characters that define the surrounding area.
To view the plan, 21/00357/FUL, you can view the planning register. Comments will be accepted until August 13.