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Seaview Parking Restrictions Approved

(c) Pickles

A recommendation for a ‘no waiting at any time’ parking restriction on Seaview’s High Street has been approved by the Isle of Wight Council today.

Council leader Phil Jordan gave the go ahead for the plans, subject to call-in, to introduce double yellow lines on two stretches of the High Street: overlooking the sea and by a building housing the Seaview Deli.

The measures are in response to ‘persistent inconsiderate parking’ and have been called for by residents, according to a County Hall report.

Cllr Jordan said:

“In Seaview it’s a safety issue because the additional metres of yellow lines that are going in on the right hand side going down the High Street are to prevent the pinch point and narrowing because of the shape of the road.”

He said large vehicles, including emergency vehicles, cannot get through at the moment when cars are parked there.

In the Delegated Decision report recommending the changes, the council said:

"As per the legal Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) making process and its requirement for a formal consultation, a public notice, outlining the proposal and inviting public comments, was published in the Isle of Wight County Press on April 5, 2024.

"A public notice and plan were also displayed on-street for a period of 28 days, which is a week longer than the legally required 21 days.

"The closing date for representations was May 3, 2024. The authority received four valid representations, one in support and three which objected to the proposals on similar grounds – ‘reducing the on-street parking for the local residents’ and ‘removing parking might encourage speeding".

"In recognition of the objections, the authority’s response is that the extent of the proposed restrictions can be shortened from 20m to 10m, to cover the narrowest part of the street only and to preserve two parking spaces after that point.

"It is also anticipated that the introduction of the short length of parking restriction will not increase the traffic speed due to the width and geometry of the road."

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