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Shanklin Primary School Ofsted Report Shows Reasons To Be Cheerful

An Isle of Wight primary school is rapidly improving its quality of education, an education watchdog has said, as it continues its ‘good’ rating.

A recent Ofsted inspection of St Blasius Church of England Primary Academy, in Shanklin, found strong relationships between adults and pupils in the caring school after it went through a ‘turbulent time, with many staff changes’.

The school’s executive principal, Alex Augustus, is moving the school forward, with strong support from the Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust, the watchdog said, rapidly improving the quality of education.

Staff said change at the school had been rapid but leaders have been supportive and are conscious of the staff’s well-being.

Pupils are eager to learn and are attentive, the Ofsted inspectors saw, being inquisitive and wanting to find answers.

The school is highly ambitious for every pupil, the report says, especially those with special educational needs, and is committed to ensuring every pupil will succeed.

A new programme has been introduced to support pupils with their early reading, and teachers ensure books are read that match the sounds children know and remember.

As a result, gaps in learning are closing quickly but there are a few pupils who need to catch up and are receiving help and support.

Pupils’ behaviour in lessons is exemplary and they do not distract others, inspectors said, and outside class, students are polite and respectful.

If there is bullying, pupils know adults will sort it out and will listen to any worries or concerns.

Safeguarding is given the highest priority, and pupils feel safe and are taught how to keep safe online.

Speaking about the outcome, Mr Augustus said he was incredibly proud of those who work tirelessly to maintain the high standards of education and care the school offers.

He said:

“We are thrilled to see that our efforts to improve the quality of education are paying off and we look forward to continuing our work together to make St Blasius an outstanding school in the future.”

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