Sport England has announced an award of £500,000 for the Isle of Wight’s swimming facilities at Medina and The Heights Leisure centres.
The grant will be used to support the two facilities with the rising costs of energy and chemicals.
The Swimming Pool Support Fund was announced in March to support facilities with swimming pools.
This first round of funding is going to the swimming pools and leisure centres most at risk of closure or significant service reduction and will be used to help with the recent rise in energy costs.
Cabinet member for Economy, Regeneration, Culture & Leisure, Cllr Julie Jones-Evans, said:
"This award is crucial for our 1Leisure pools, providing an essential service for swimming lessons, swim teams and health and well-being for thousands of residents.”
"The past investment into making our pools more energy efficient has been recognised by Sport England, awarding us the maximum level of funding available."
"Thanks are due to our team at 1Leisure for putting the detailed bid together - we are keeping our fingers crossed for further energy efficiency measures being funded across the island."