The financial target has been reached - which could see the Westridge Farm application appealed.
As previously reported, the 473 home development in Ryde was approved at a contentious meeting of councillors in the summer.
The campaign group 'Save Westridge Farm' needed to raise £13,000 to take the Isle of Wight Council to judicial review.
In order to secure a 'good solicitor who would do the 'levelling up' and look into the case, the finances needed to be secured.
The chosen solicitor has been secured.
He is said to be going over the records and "seeing that the right processes were done".
Cllr Jenna Sabine told Isle of Wight Radio:
"The process is about it going through the planning and especially at the moment where the Island does not have a secure Island Planning Strategy, which is the draft that is going through at the moment. It is going back to the base Government legislation which is just not supportive enough.
"The Isle of Wight is a very unique case - we are a biosphere, we will run out of space to build on and we are more special than that - not to have anything in place to protect us. That's one of the main problems - there has been no policy to protect against planning developments at the moment."
She said it's "overwhelming" people's support for the campaign.