Wightcare has received full accreditation from the Telecare Services Association (TSA), the national standards body for technology-related care and support services.
Wightcare provides a community alarm and telecare service to enable Island residents to live independently in their own home.
It is the only Island based service which installs and maintains equipment, monitors calls 24/7 and provides a mobile responder service.
During a rigorous TSA accreditation process, a TSA auditor scrutinised the policies and procedures in place and spoke at length with the management team, frontline staff and service users in order to make her recommendation.
Laura Rice, Wightcare Manager, said:
"Wightcare was found to be compliant in all 13 modules; this means we are working within the recognised industry standards for technology enabled care and providing the best possible service for Island residents."
In her report, the auditor praised the team's enthusiasm and commitment to developing the user experience, improving their quality of life and maintaining their independence.
She added:
"Wightcare demonstrated they are a well-managed organisation with knowledgeable and well-trained staff who have a respectful and caring approach to dealing with their client’s needs.”
Congratulating the Wightcare team, Councillor Karl Love, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, said:
"This achievement is recognition of their hard work and commitment to supporting some of our most vulnerable residents.
"TSA accreditation is a quality stamp to show they are offering the highest level of service possible."
For more information on the Wightcare service, or to arrange a demonstration, please call (01983) 821105.