A stricken sailing yacht prompted a third call-out in less than a week for Yarmouth RNLI.
Crews were tasked to Bouldnor Bay, north east of Yarmouth at 2.13pm yesterday (Monday).
A 45 foot yacht, with a fouled propeller, was in need of assistance.
The yacht’s crew had lost control of their vessel due to what appeared to be a discarded fishing net being wrapped around both the rudder and propeller.
As the boat was unable to make way under either engine or sail, the all weather lifeboat secured an alongside tow ready for the short journey to Yarmouth harbour.
Coxswain, Howard Lester, said:
"Knowing how to call for help when needed meant the yacht and crew were rescued, quickly and safely."
Yarmouth lifeboat returned to her berth and was ready for service at 5.08pm.