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Grant Funds Open For Isle Of Wight Charities And Not For Profit Groups

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Community Foundation (HIWCF) has two dedicated grant funds currently open to Island-based community groups and small charities operating at a grassroots level.

‘Young Island Lives’ provides funding to community groups and small charities working to support young people aged 11 to 25 years through employability and skills initiatives.

Two year grants are available for up to £10,000 per year (up to £20,000 over 24 months) and are aimed at helping young people to develop and grow their skills by reducing barriers as they enter their adult lives.

‘The Isle of Wight Community Fund’ is aimed at easing poverty and increasing wellbeing for Island residents living hard and challenging lives, particularly those living in poverty, facing discrimination or who are isolated.

HIWCF funding has been crucial in enabling small Island charities embedded in the community to deliver life-changing support.

In 2023, HIWCF provided £251,000 of vital funding to nearly 30 local charities tackling poverty on the Isle of Wight.

Small charities such as Pan Together, Saturday Club for Deaf Children and Independent Arts have received funding in the past to support Island
communities in a huge range of ways including through sports and physical wellbeing, young people’s mental health, involvement in the arts, alleviating the cost of living crisis and support for people with disabilities or long term medical conditions.

Jacqui Scott, CEO of HIWCF says:

“HIWCF funding can be a lifeline for small charities making big impacts in the communities they serve.

"Island philanthropists recognise there is a very real need to support charities who work directly with families and understand their most critical needs.

"Alongside our donors, we work hard to provide vital funds where they are needed most. HIWCF is unique in offering philanthropists and companies the opportunity to make endowment donations that create a legacy for Island communities that will last forever.”

Each fund has its own criteria, which groups are encouraged to carefully consider before making an application.

The HIWCF Grants Team is available to answer any questions and provide support for applications.

Both Isle of Wight funds are open until midnight on Wednesday 22 May 2024.

Groups can apply for a grant with the HIWCF by visiting ‘Grants for Groups’ on the website.

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