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New Crew Member Launches Lifeboat Christmas Fundraiser

New Sandown & Shanklin Lifeboat crew member, Blossom Kelly (aged 21 weeks), helped launch the Charity's Annual Christmas fundraising event alongside Sandown Mayor Alex Lightfoot, councillors, crew members and festive fundraisers at the Broadway Centre.

In a week when the charity received the prestigious Kings Award for Voluntary Service, Cllr Lightfoot presented coxswain Mark Birch with a framed certificate signed by former Sandown Mayors,

Cllr Lightfoot said:

"Mark and the team are a credit to Sandown and the Island, as well as lifeboat services nationally.

"We look forward to continue working together to maintain and develop services."

Mark added:

"Thanks to Richard Burns for organising our annual Craft Fayre, and to everyone for taking part.

"It has been an incredible week for everyone, and, with Blossom joining us it feels like the next part of the journey is about to begin."

With around 20 stalls featuring local crafts, books, and christmas gifts, the fayre raised almost £1300 and will help towards increased equipment and training costs.

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