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Red Squirrel Day And Birdwatch Inspiration For Cowes' Old Charlton House

Residents at Old Charlton House care home in Cowes have been busy looking after the wildlife that lives in their garden.

Residents marked Red Squirrel Day on Sunday January 21 by listening to an informative talk about red squirrels from Tracy Dove of Zoologica.

They were surprised to learn that red squirrels can also be black, brown or white.

Those in attendance were so taken by the talk that they decided to add a squirrel feeder to the home's garden.

Some of the residents subsequently visited Busy Bee Garden Centre and bought 2 squirrel boxes, one in the front and one in the back.

They have filled it with hazelnuts and walnuts, and are eagerly watching to see if they can encourage squirrels to eat.

Last Friday (January 26) marked the start of the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch.

The RSPB holds its Birdwatch every year and uses the information recorded to examine the patterns of birds in the UK, which species are doing well and which ones aren’t.

Residents filled up the bird tables and made some lovely teacup bird feeders which were hung round the home's trees.

They then enjoyed watching the birds feed from them and counted how many they saw to be relayed back to the RSPB.

There were lots of Robins, blue tits and wood pigeons, and they also saw a wren, but without a doubt the most exciting sighting was a red squirrel running up and down the trees.

Resident, Audrey, said:

"What a treat to see the squirrel, we were very lucky!"

Activities Coordinator, Debbie Webb, added:

"Our residents love nature and anything that is connected to it, so we make sure that they get to participate in lots of ways.

"This week has seen many happy faces, which is exactly what we want from our life enrichment program.”

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