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Sun Shines On Island's New Reggae Festival

The inaugural Reggae Festival held at the Three Rivers Wellbeing Centre in Porchfield last Saturday (1) was a roaring success, with organisers already planning for next year’s event.

Acts including The Ohmz, Azadi, Lee-Lee, Don Smivvy, Levi Collins and Leaf all featured at the Porchfield site to perform for the hundreds of festival goers in the sunshine.

Curated by friends Dan Anderson and Ben Mullen, the festival started as an idea around a year ago, and both were over the moon to see it come to fruition so successfully.

Dan said:

“I think everything went well and there was such a friendly vibe, it was a positive and community led festival where everyone came together, the team, the artists and especially the crowd, to make it such a magical day in the sunshine.

“We’re definitely doing it again, we’ve already got some acts lined up and plans to improve for next year and we may do other events at the centre, so keep an eye out for those too!”

Ben added:

“One of the biggest desires when planning this event was to create a family friendly environment that’s based around community, we wanted our festival to give a chance for local artists to express their creativity to the community.

"The energy was beautiful out on the fields and one that we as a team will cherish forever.”

The Three Rivers Wellbeing Centre was established to help people with their mental and physical health, and often run workshops around breath work, grounding, and meditation.

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